Pets, Poetry and People! Virtual Connections

While we are getting close to being able to safely resume in-person visits (yay!), LITA volunteers are continuing to engage with Three Home Village residents twice a week using Zoom and other technology through our wonderful pilot program, "Virtual Connections."

Over a dozen high school students from The Marin School brought a great deal of enthusiasm to Three Home Village as they introduced their beloved pets to the residents during a recent Virtual Visit, with students sharing and telling their pet stories, and residents asking a variety of questions about each pet. Residents have also enjoyed listening to poetry, St. Patty's limericks, horoscopes, playing trivia, (even singing some of the song answers!), Table Topics questions, holiday, and current event discussions.

 Besides bringing much-needed connection and interaction to residents, the project also allows LITA to identify the best strategies for engaging digitally, best zoom settings, and which equipment provides the best audio and visual experience for residents, especially since many of our friends have hearing and vision challenges or loss.

Until such time that our wonderful volunteers can safely reunite with our friends in person, LITA will continue to engage digitally and are looking for volunteers who would like to engage with residents virtually. The pandemic has us all living the “when life gives you lemons…” moments - and LITA's making lemonade!

(Thanks to Ellie Chamberlain, Tanya Mendoza, and Barbara Brown for contributing to this article).